Historical Gallery

We wish to thank the Jasper-Yellowhead Historical Society for donating the use of the following, precious images.
The number on each picture is that image's catalogue number. If you wish to know more about these images contact them directly.

Left to right: Curly's dog, Donald "Curly" Phillips, Willard Jeffery and Doug Jeffery (on roof) building Shangrila cabin. 1936

Doug Jeffery (left), Donald "Curly" Phillips (center) and Willard Jeffery (right) working on top of Shangrila cabin. Curly always wore his Stetson hat. His faithful dog was always with him (left of tent.) 1936

Donald "Curly" Phillips working on the cabin roof, Willard Jeffery standing below. This cabin sits on a high, small plateau with a beautiful little stream immediately below. This stream never completely freezes in winter and supplies good water all year round. The view from the cabin looks up the draw to "Snowbowl". The cabin was built by Curly Phillips for the Jeffery brothers and Joe Weiss. It is located between Big Shovel and Little Shovel Passes. The elevation is about 6800 feet. 1936

Willard Jeffery and his son Doug resting and happy, having helped Donald "Curly" Phillips in the building of Shangrila. Photographer Joe Weiss took the pictures and helped in the construction. Vern Jeffery was away on his honeymoon at this time. He and his brother Doug later made a root house and rustic furniture for the cabin. They also packed in a stove, etc. that could not be made up there. 1936

Roland Taylor Party expedition, June 1940.

An unidentified member of the Roland Taylor party sitting in front of Shangrila, June 1940.

Members of the Roland Taylor party on horseback climbing the draw up from Shangrila towards Snowbowl, June 1940.

Bob Baxter, Kay Baxter and Doug Jeffery in the Watch Tower basin area 194(?).

A group sitting at a table inside the cabin. Vern Jeffery is in on the far right. 1960's.

Dan Dick and Ian McBride(?) in front of cabin between 1940 and 1960.

Shangrila cabin between 1940 and 1960.

Vern and Jean Jeffery in Big Shovel Pass 1939(?).

Dan Dick and Ian McBride in Snowbowl between 1940 and 1960.

Toronto ski party, Jasper National Park, 194(?)

Toronto ski party, Jasper National Park, 194(?)

Shangrila cabin between 1940 and 1960.

Shangrila cabin between 1940 and 1960.

Shangrila cabin near little Shovel Pass between 1940 and 1960.

Shangrila cabin.

Shangrila cabin between 1940 and 1960. Note the Canada Jay on the ski.

View from the old outhouse.

The tent and cabin at Watch Tower Basin used by the Maligne Lake Ski Club 1940(?).

The tent and cabin at Watch Tower Basin used by the Maligne Lake Ski Club 1940(?).

Watch Tower Basin, 194(?).

Bob Baxter, Mr. Cummings(?), Kay Baxter and Doug Jeffery in the Watch Tower basin area 194(?).

W. Lang Party at Snowbowl, Jasper National Park 194(?) Racing on Aberhart's Nose.

W. S. Jeffery skiing at 66 years 1939(?).

W. S. Jeffery skiing at 66 years 1939(?).

W. Lang Party at Snowbowl, Jasper National Park 194(?)

W. S. (Willard Stephen) Jeffery at Shangrila cabin 1939(?).